Subventions Vélos Électriques

Jusqu'á 500 remboursés

La liste des subventions proposées par les collectivités

Non-exhaustive list. Information updated as of 05/02/2020 and subject to change. En effet, les opérations d'aides territoriales rencontres un franc succès et sont limitées en nombre de bénéficiaires ou en montant d'allocations distributifs, nous ne sommes pas à l'abri qu'une collectivité refuse votre demande pour cette raison ou une autre.

For more information, please contact your dealer before any purchase. If you would like to help us update this page, please do not hesitate to let us know of any changes or additional information via our contact page.


The ecological bonus was introduced by the State in February 2017 and has lasted until 31 January 2018. This provision has obtained three good results, a very important progression of the electrical sales has been noticed.

L'État qui avait prévu la suppression pure et simple de ce bonus a reconsideré sa position. L'aide pour l'achat d'un vélo électrique ou d'un VAE est finalement reconduite, mais sous une autre forme et de façon beaucoup plus restrictive (Décret n° 2017-1851 du 29 décembre 2017).

The National Bonus amount is 20% of the TTC price of purchase within the limit of 200 euros. The aid must be provided by a community.

L'aide est soumise à plusieurs conditions, comme le fait de justifier d'une non-imposition sur les revenus l'année précédent l'achat.

Read all the conditions here

Plan Vélo : Faire du vélo un moyen de transport du quotidien - Tout Savoir sur les aides de l'état.



The Île-de-France region offers its inhabitants exceptional assistance in the form of the achat of :

-Vélo à assistance électrique (VAE) neuf : 50 % du prix TTC, plafonnée à 500 euros
- Vélo cargo avec assistance électrique neuf : 50 % du prix TTC, plafonnée à 600 euros
- Vélo pliant avec assistance électrique neuf : 50 % of the price TTC, ceiling at 500 euros
- Certain safety accessories : panel, cover, anti-volume, if these last ones are presented on the same invoice as the one you see. Prise en charge comprise dans les plafonds précédemment cités.

The subsidy does not match the aid from the cities, but completes them.
The aid request form will be put online in February 2020.
Conditions et informations supplémentaires en cliquant ici.


The VAE subsidy for the city of Paris is fixed at 33% of the TTC purchase price of a vehicle with electrical assistance, within the limit of 400 euros TTC.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


Since May 2020, the Métropole de Lyon has been offering its inhabitants exceptional assistance in the form of a maximum of 500 euros for the purchase of a vehicle with electrical assistance.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


A compter du 1er janvier 2019 (date de la facture faisant foi), toute personne ayant sa résidence principale dans le département des Bouches-du-Rhône, sans aucune condition de ressources, pourra bénéficier d'une aide correspondant à 25% du prix d'achat d'un vélo à assistance électrique, plafonnée à 400 euros.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


The new Occitanie region proposes a premium of 100 euros for the acquisition of a new electric vehicle, as well as a premium of up to 50 euros for the purchase of safety equipment (helmet, protections, etc.). This aid can be cumulated with the 100 euro aid from the State granted to non-taxable persons. The maximum amount of aid is 200 euros.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


L'aide financière accordée sera de 200 euros par foyer, sous condition que le revenu net fiscal annuel du ménage soit inférieur à 28 800 euros/an. En contrepartie, les propriétaires d'un VAE devront graver leur vélo avec le marquage Bicycode et le garder 3 ans.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


The inhabitants of the 28 communes of Bordeaux Métropole can ask for help to obtain an electric assistance vehicle for an amount of 100 euros. Attention this aid is submitted under resource condition. Votre achat peut être antérieur à votre demande mais dater de moins d'un an.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


Subvention fixed at 25 % of the prix d'achat TTC, within the limit of 150

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


Nantes Métropole agrees to a subsidy on the purchase of a vehicle for electrical assistance exclusively for a family or cargo vehicle (which allows the transport of children, with an extension for and the delivery of the courses), the aid is fixed at 25% of the vehicle's CPT price within the limit of 300 euros.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


L'opération subvention vélos électriques 2019, lancée le lundi 29 avril 2019, est dorénavant terminée. All the aid tickets have been distributed.

Rest during a next operation by clicking here.


People with a CAF family budget of less than EUR 2 000 per month can benefit from a "chèque VAE" subsidy of up to 25% of the cost of acquisition, i.e. just EUR 300. L'aide n'est valable qu'en cas d'achat auprès des vendeurs partenaires.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


Subvention fixed at 25 % of the purchase price, within the limit of 250 euros.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


The operation is fixed at 25 % of the price and ceiling at 500 euros. It must be provided by a willing partner, who will reduce the amount of aid at the time of purchase.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


The operation is fixed at 25 % of the price and ceiling at 500 euros. It must be provided by a willing partner, who will reduce the amount of aid at the time of purchase.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.

Ville / Agglomération Subsidy Plafond Lien utile
Aix-Les-Bains 30% du prix TTC 250 TTC

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Arcachon 200€ -

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Arras 30% du prix TTC 400 TTC

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Blois 25% du prix TTC 400 TTC

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Château-Du-Loir 25% du prix TTC 150 TTC

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Colmar 120€ -

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Grand Paris Seine Ouest (GPSO) - 200 TTC

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Pays d'Aix 25% du prix TTC 250 TTC

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Epernay 50% du prix TTC 150 TTC

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La Roche-Sud-Yon 20% du prix TTC 200 TTC

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Mende 40% du prix TTC 400 TTC

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Monaco 30% du prix TTC 3000 TTC

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Nantes 25% du prix TTC 200 and is 300 euros for salaried workers included in a mobility plan.

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Plaine de l'Ain 30% du prix TTC 500€

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Rodez 200€ -

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Villecresnes 25% du prix TTC 300€

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Toulon 25% du prix TTC 250€

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For self-entrepreneurs, TPE and PME's up to 50 people, the Ile-de-France region proposes two types of financial aid for you, two electrical roads. It remains to be seen whether the Ile-de-France region will integrate them into its definition of "two electrical roads", as this is clearly superior to all other types of aid. If the power of the battery is less or equal to 10 kWh, the amount of financial aid is set at 1 500 euros. If the power is higher than 10 kWh, the amount is limited to EUR 3 000.

Further information is available here.


For self-entrepreneurs, TPE and PME up to 50 employees and Petite Couronne, the City of Paris proposes an aid of up to 400 euros for a purchase or a location.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.


The aid is granted for the purchase of professional vehicle fleets (for sale, with or without electrical assistance) for booksellers, couriers, repairmen, craftsmen, traders, and home-based professionals (see list of activity codes), where the professional activity is located in the territory of Nantes Métropole. The amount proposed corresponds to 25 % of the vehicle's TTC, up to a maximum of EUR 400 per vehicle and up to 10 vehicles.

Additional conditions and information can be found here.
